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High School Formal


9th - 12th  grade students (9th graders must be at least 14 years old)
Seniors and Juniors may bring an outside guest  (Guest must be of opposite gender, at least 14 years old, and a freshman in high school.)


By purchasing a formal ticket you agree to act in a mature manner and honor the following code of conduct. Any infractions may result in future event privileges being revoked, and you may be asked to leave the formal immediately without reimbursement for expenses.

1. This is a formal event. Ladies must wear formal dresses. Gentlemen must wear a suit and tie or tuxedo. Modest attire please. No exposed cleavage, abdomens or undergarments.

2. This is a chaperoned event. Respect and obedience to all authority figures are required at all times.

3. Respect for the event venue is expected. Facility rules must be respected and followed. Attendees must remain in the designated areas. Teens and parents will be responsible for restitution of any damages caused to the facility.

4. Music has been pre-selected. Please do not bring any outside music.

5. Please keep a respectable distance while dancing.

6. No smoking, alcohol, drugs, or weapons are allowed in or around the facility.

7. In the event of accidental injury, by purchasing this ticket, you agree to hold harmless the event venue, Heritage Home Scholars, and their representatives.

8. By purchasing a formal ticket, attendees agree to comply with the Heritage Home Scholars Code of Conduct.

9. The formal is scheduled from 6:00 -10:00 p.m. Atendees are expected to remain at the event venue for the duration of the event unless permission to do otherwise is given by the student's parents. 

Note to Parents: Please thoroughly read the HERITAGE HOME SCHOLARS Formal Code of Conduct to understand what is required of your teen at this event. Teens and their guests are expected to honor the authority of the HERITAGE HOME SCHOLARS advisors and chaperones. Although there will be adequate adult supervision, teens will be responsible for their own behavior. Parents who agree to allow their teen to attend the formal do so with the understanding that their teen is responsible enough to behave in a mature, trustworthy manner. Event time schedule will be honored. Atendees will leave the venue at the scheduled time. Parents must arrange transportation as it is not provided. Teens are expected to remain at the venue for the entire event. HERITAGE HOME SCHOALRS advisors and chaperones will not be held responsible for atendees who decide to leave the facility before the end of the formal. We support parental authority and we encourage parents to decide whether this event is suitable for their teen. By purchasing a formal ticket, attendees agree to comply with the HERITAGE HOME SCHOLARS  Formal Code of Conduct.